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*So Good #24 (2020/07)
*Prisma (Haasnoot)
*Opéra (French) (Grolet)
*Stephane Leroux Bleu Chocolat (English)
*Modernist Bread: The Art and Science (Myhrvold)
*Eleven Madison Park: The Next Chapter, 2 Vol./Set (Humm, Guidara)
*Signature Entremets & Petits Gateaux (English/French) (Martin)
*Collection Entremets & Petits Gateaux (English/French) (Perruchon)
*Anarkia (English) (Roca)
*Fine Chocolates Gold (Wybauw)

2015-2025 新進原文教科書 總共  115   筆   當前   1 - 30
首頁 > 2015-2025 新進原文教科書

Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, 12/e (Hurd, Anderson, Mainieri)
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, 12/e (Hurd, Anderson, Mainieri) Celebrating 50 Years of the Hallmark Text in Recreation and Leisure Studies!
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society provides a detailed introduction to the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies.
The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, 9/e (Walker)
The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, 9/e (Walker) THE RESTAURANT
Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science (Research Chefs Association)
Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science (Research Chefs Association) Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science will demonstrate how the disciplines of culinary arts and food science work hand in hand ....
Welcome to Hospitality: An Asian Perspective (Chon, Maier)
Welcome to Hospitality: An Asian Perspective (Chon, Maier) Hotels, meeting and exhibition venues, travel and eco-tourism, food and beverage services all fall under the broad hospitality industry.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7/e (APA)
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7/e (APA) The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition is the official source for APA Style.
Restaurant Concepts, Management, and Operations, 8/e (Walker)
Restaurant Concepts, Management, and Operations, 8/e (Walker) Restaurant Concepts, Management, and Operations, 8th Edition takes the reader from the initial idea to the grand opening. It features comprehensive, applications-based coverage of all aspects of developing, opening, and running a restaurant.
Kraus' Recreation & Leisure in Modern Society, 11/e (McLean, Hurd, Anderson)
Kraus' Recreation & Leisure in Modern Society, 11/e (McLean, Hurd, Anderson) The Eleventh Edition of Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society provides a detailed introduction to the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies.
Food and Beverage Management, 6/e (Davis, Lockwood, Alcott, Pantelidis)
Food and Beverage Management, 6/e (Davis, Lockwood, Alcott, Pantelidis) This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry.
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry (Hayes, Miller)
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry (Hayes, Miller) Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry is filled with practical examples and best practices on the topic of revenue management, a critical aspect of the industry.
Professional Baking, 7/e (Asia Edition) (Gisslen)
Professional Baking, 7/e (Asia Edition) (Gisslen) Professional Baking, 7th Edition is the latest release of the market leading title for the baking course. Focused on both understanding and performing, its goal is to provide students and working chefs with a solid theoretical and practical foundation in baking practices......
Professional Food Manager, 5/e (NEHA)
Professional Food Manager, 5/e (NEHA) The National Environmental Health Associations (NEHA) Certified Professional Food Manager, 5th Edition is designed to supply culinary and hospitality professionals and students with the knowledge to not only pass the Council of Food Protection/American National Standards (CFP)approved exam, but to ensure the continued successful execution of food safety best practices in the workplace.
Tourism Management, 5/e (Weaver, Lawton)
Tourism Management, 5/e (Weaver, Lawton) In 2013 the World Tourism Organization reported that more than one billion international overnight tourist trips occurred globally during the previous year. Aside from the impressive number, the achievement was even more remarkable given the lingering effects of the global financial crisis.
Consumber Behaviour in Tourism, 3/e (Swarbrooke)
Consumber Behaviour in Tourism, 3/e (Swarbrooke) Now fully revised and updated, the third edition of this bestselling text provides students with a vital understanding of the nature of tourism and contemporary tourists behaviour in political, social and economic context ......
Hospitality Management Accounting, 9/e (Jagels)
Hospitality Management Accounting, 9/e (Jagels) The success of every business in the hospitality industry depends on maximizing revenues and minimizing costs. Hospitality Management Accounting, Ninth Edition continues its time-tested presentation of fundamental concepts and analytical techniques that are essential to taking control of real-world accounting systems...
Food and Beverage Cost Control, 6/e (Dopson, Hayes)
Food and Beverage Cost Control, 6/e (Dopson, Hayes) This fully updated sixth edition of Food and Beverage Cost Control provides students and managers with a wealth of comprehensive resources and the specific tools they need to keep costs low and profit margins high.
Planning an Applied Research Project in Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports (Mayo)
Planning an Applied Research Project in Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports (Mayo) Planning an Applied Research Project in Hospitality, Tourism and Sports provides a comprehensive and carefully structured treatment of all the aspects involved in planning a research project.
Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2/E (Hayes, Ninemeier)
Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2/E (Hayes, Ninemeier) Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2nd Edition helps today’s hospitality professional be an expert at managing many functions.
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8/e (Walker, Miller)
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8/e (Walker, Miller) Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8th Edition focuses on the different roles of employees from beginning leaders, newly promoted supervisor, or anyone planning a career in the hospitality field.
Check-In Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations, 9/e (Vallen)
Check-In Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations, 9/e (Vallen) For courses in hotel administration that focus on front desk operations or hotel management, and as an adjunct to other hotel courses such as housekeeping, hotel accounting, hotel marketing or hotel personnel/human resources.
Destination Marketing Essentials, 2/e (Pike)
Destination Marketing Essentials, 2/e (Pike) Destination Marketing offers the reader an integrated and comprehensive overview of the key challenges and constraints facing DMOs ....
Heritage Tourism (Park)
Heritage Tourism (Park) Heritage tourism has become an increasingly significant component of the global tourism industry, particularly in countries striving to diversify away from sea, sand and sun.
Cultural Tourism, 2/e (Du Cros, McKercher)
Cultural Tourism, 2/e (Du Cros, McKercher) Cultural Tourism remains the only book to bridge the gap between cultural tourism and cultural and heritage management.
Successful Restaurant Management: From Vision to Execution (Wade)
Successful Restaurant Management: From Vision to Execution (Wade) Successful Restaurant Management is a comprehensive text on the business of opening and successfully operating a restaurant.
Remarkable Service, 3/e (CIA)
Remarkable Service, 3/e (CIA) A professional, highly trained staff offers a competitive advantage for all foodservice operations, from practical service skills (i.e., setting the table, serving the food, and presenting the check) to less tangible service skills (i.e., creating a welcoming space, exhibiting a helpful attitude, and anticipating customer needs).
Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach, 2/e (Charlesworth)
Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach, 2/e (Charlesworth) Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach 2nd Edition is a step-by-step guide to marketing using the Internet.
Professional Food Manager, 4/e (NEHA)
Professional Food Manager, 4/e (NEHA) The National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA) Certified Professional Food Manager is designed to supply culinary and hospitality professionals and students with the knowledge to not only pass the Council of Food Protection/American National Standards (CFP)approved exam, but to ensure the continued successful execution of food safety best practices in the workplace.
KitchenPro Series: Guide to Purchasing, International Edition (Schneller, Matthews)
KitchenPro Series: Guide to Purchasing, International Edition (Schneller, Matthews) The KITCHENPRO SERIES: GUIDE TO PURCHASING, International Edition is the sixth text in the series. By combining real-life situations in food industry purchasing and adding in candid explanations of situations that have been encountered through many years in the food industry.....
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, 10/e (McLean, Hurd)
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, 10/e (McLean, Hurd) NEW 10th Edition!

With a new full-color design with perforated worksheets, the Tenth Edition of Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society provides a detailed introduction to the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies.
Strategic Management for Hospitality & Tourism (Okumus, Altinay, Chathoth)
Strategic Management for Hospitality & Tourism (Okumus, Altinay, Chathoth) Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism is a vital text for all those studying cutting edge theories and views on strategic management.
Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, 3/e (Civitello)
Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, 3/e (Civitello) Cuisine and Culture presents a multicultural and multiethnic approach that draws connections between major historical events and how and why these events affected and defined the culinary traditions of different societies.
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