桂魯專業書店 -- Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities, 2/e(Birchfield, Sparrowe)
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Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities, 2/e(Birchfield, Sparrowe)    首頁 > 2014-2024 新進原文教科書


Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities, Second Edition offers an extensive reference manual for the entire foodservice development process–from the initial food concept through the steps of planning, financing, design, and construction, and on to the final inspection that occurs just prior to the opening of the establishment. Packed with valuable drawings, photographs, and charts, this essential nuts-and-bolts guide deals with feasibility, space analysis and programming, layout, equipment selections, and architecture and engineering.

This extensively updated edition presents:

l            Thorough coverage of the planning, feasibility, and concept development steps that are a prelude to a successful design project

l            A focused presentation of the roles and responsibilities of each member of the project team, designed to assist hospitality professionals in becoming effective participants

l            An expanded discussion of the steps in the design sequence so that hospitality professionals know what to expect, and when, from their architects, engineers, and consultants

l            Greater emphasis on programming and space analysis for each of the functional areas of a foodservice facility, from receiving through preparation to service and warewashing

l            An enhanced introduction to the major types of commercial foodservice equipment, emphasizing relevant selection criteria and covering recent innovations

 Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for hospitality professionals who are planning or who are now involved in foodservice design projects.


Table of Contents



About the Authors.

CHAPTER 1: Preliminary Planning.

CHAPTER 2: Foodservice Design.

CHAPTER 3: The Principles of Design.

CHAPTER 4: Space Analysis.

CHAPTER 5: Equipment Layout.

CHAPTER 6: Foodservice Equipment, Part I.

CHAPTER 7: Foodservice Equipment, Part II: Manufactured Equipment.

CHAPTER 8: Foodservice Facilities Engineering and Architecture.

Appendix 1: Foodservice-Related Professional Associations.

Appendix 2: Typical Foodservice Facility Designs.

Appendix 3: Common Foodservice Facility Design Symbols.

Appendix 4: Sample Documents.

Foodservice Equipment Glossary.




ISBN 10 / 13 : 0471292095, 9780471292098 作者 : John C. Birchfield, Raymond T. Sparrowe
出版年 : August 2002 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
教師配件 : IM/PPT
  PPT試讀版 156 K  2011-01-28

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