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Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2/E (Hayes, Ninemeier)    首頁 > 2014-2024 新進原文教科書

Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2nd Edition helps today’s hospitality professional be an expert at managing many functions. In every segment of the hospitality industry, recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, and retaining outstanding staff members are always challenging tasks, but every manager must master them. Hospitality managers now need to be familiar with rising labor costs, increasing competition for quality staff, changing employees’ attitudes, evolving guest expectations and a proliferation of new laws that impact human resources policies and activities.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Overview of Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Organizations

Managing HR in Hospitality Organizations

HR Responsibilities

HR Challenges

HR and Ethical Concerns

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 2: The Legal Environment of Human Resources Management

Employment Law

The Government’s Role in the Management of HR

An HR Manager’s Review of Significant Employment Legislation in the United States

The International Legal Environment

The Special Role of the Hospitality Unit Manager

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 3: Human Resources Management: Policies and Procedures

HR Policies and Procedures

Steps in HR Policy and Procedure Development

Review for Legal Compliance

Applying Advanced Technology to HR Policies and Procedures

HR Policies and Procedures Documentation and Record Keeping

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 4: Employee On-Boarding: Recruitment and Selection

The On-Boarding Philosophy

Employee Recruitment Procedures

Employee Selection Procedures

Negligent Hiring

Job Offers

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 5: Employee On-Boarding: Orientation and Induction

The New Employee’s First Day

The New Employee Adaptation Process

Orientation Programs and Procedures

Other Early Employment Activities

Employee Handbooks

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 6: Planning Training Programs

Training Overview

Position Analysis

Training Principles

Focus on the Trainer

Formal Process to Plan Training

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 7: Delivering and Evaluating Training Programs

Introduction to Individual On-Job Training

On-Job Training Steps

Other Individual Training Methods

Introduction to Group Training

Preparing for Group Training

Facilitating Group Training

Training Evaluation

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 8: Compensation Programs

Compensation Management

Legal Aspects of Compensation Management

Direct Financial Compensation

Indirect Financial Compensation

Nonfinancial Compensation

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 9: Performance Management and Appraisal

Performance Management

Progressive Discipline

Behavior Improvement Tactics

Employee Separation

Legal Considerations of Performance Management and Appraisal

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 10: Employee Health and Safety

Legal Aspects of Employee Protection

Employee Health

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Employee Safety and Security

Employee Security Programs

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 11: Critical Issues in Human Resources Management

Unionization in the Hospitality Industry

Downsizing Hospitality Operations


Diversity in the Hospitality Industry

HR and Turnover Management

The Organization as Community Citizen

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

Chapter 12: Human Resources in Evolving Hospitality Organizations

HR and Organizational Change

Managing a Multigenerational Workforce

Mentoring Programs

Succession Planning Activities

Career Development Programs

HR Terms

For Your Consideration

Case Study: Apply HR Management Principles

Internet Activities

New To This Edition

  • Simplified Summary of Significant legislation Feature: To assist readers in recalling key features of important employment-related legislation introduced in applicable chapters, a new feature summarizing these key laws.
  • HR Management Impact on New Employees: This new feature addresses how the on boarding efforts of HR managers can directly affect their new employees.
  • HR Management in Action: In this exciting new feature, readers will learn about specific challenges HR managers frequently encounter at work as well as how these challenges are met. Placed near the beginning of each chapter, this new feature, developed with the assistance of HR managers currently working in the hospitality industry, helps readers better understand the things HR managers must know and do to succeed in their jobs.


ISBN 10 / 13 : 9781118988503 作者 : David K. Hayes, Jack D. Ninemeier
出版年 : 2015 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
教師配件 : V

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